To anyone interested in researching various records of the 22nd Infantry Regiment during WWII in Europe, I have copies of the following:
June 1944 to May 1945
1. After Action Reports
2. Daily Journals
3. Journal Files
Some of these records contain maps, as well.
Please feel free to contact me, using the “comments” section at the bottom of this post.
Take care,
Thank you for this project! I’ve been rereading Wilson’s “If You Survive” [22nd regiment, 2nd battalion, E company 2nd platoon (leader) & F company (CO)]. I’ve spent dozens of hours searching the Web for tactical-level maps [showing fields, fences, walls, etc.] and aerial photos to picture and follow the combat narrative … to understand small unit engagements visually. The overlay you provided is quite helpful for this purpose In fact, all of the material supplements Wilson’s account and greatly enhances my understanding of squad-/platoon-level tactics. [I wish I’d had such aids with my first reading of “If You Survive”.] I look forward to your further entries, and thanks again.
Thank you for your kind words!
Hi there. In your trove of records have you any mentioning a Robert Roberts, or “Bob” Roberts He was a squad leader and I am seeking any information pertaining to his Purple Heart.
HB Radke
I’ve sent an email requesting more information.
Take care,
Why do you ask? If it’s Robert F Roberts from St. Mary’s, WV, then that is my Great Great Uncle. Did you get any information?
Dear Tomawski,
Could you maybe help me out with getting information on Dimitrios Bouzoukas, Staff Sergeant WW2 22nd Infantry 4th division 1st battalion.
His family is visiting the Margraten cemetery soon and I want some info about where he got injured and later on DOW.. it’s unclear to me wich company (able, bravo, Charlie etc.) he had been into and where he had been around 22nd November 1944.
Awaiting your answer.
Best regards.
I thank Sgt. Bouzoukas for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
My Uncle was killed in France June 26, 1944. I am working on a project for my family. My Mother took photos of the funeral. His is the tallest tombstone in the graveyard. I was also in the army and plan to go to
France in the summer and hope to visit the area. I am looking for the battle and location that he possibly died. I appreciate your effort to get folks together.
Uncle PFC Herman Banks Busick was born June 15th 1922 and died June 22 1944. I wonder what his life was like that month.
I thank you and your uncle for serving our country. I’ve sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Thank you for sharing this great information! I’m wondering if you could help me with some journal/after action research pertaining to Company C, 1st Bn during the period 3 March 1945 – end of hostilities. I am researching a member of that company, Pvt/PFC Donald Carey, who was awarded the Purple Heart. The circumstances regarding his wound are unclear, though it appears that he did not spend much time – if any – convalescing. I was hoping to find out approximately what day he was wounded and in what action. Any light you can shed will be most appreciated. Thank you!
I’m sending you an e-mail with my contact information. Thanks!
I am researching where my great-uncle died who was a member of the 22nd Infantry , Company A. My great-grandparents received a telegram stating that their son, PFC Clarence Stewart, was MIA on June 8, 1944. The next telegram informed them of his death KIA. His headstone says June 17, 1944. I can understand confusion of actual death dates and documentation. I am hoping to find any information about him.
Thank you in advance for any information you might have.
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. My great uncle also served with Company A, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment.
I have sent you an email with more information, I hope it is helpful.
Good afternoon sir,
I would be eternally grateful if you have any information regarding a Leonard Rock who was killed during the Battle of the Bulge. I have some information but would love ANY more you may have available. Here is one of the few links I can find for him –
He was a Purple Heart recipient and I would love to find as much detail about his service as possible. Supposedly he was shot on the 16th or 17th of December but didn’t pass away until the 20th.
Hi Dave,
I’ve sent you an email with more information.
I am researching events around 9 JUL 44 and the death of PFC James R Sellers H Company., near St. Lo. Thanks!
Hi Sean,
I’ve sent you an email with more information.
Hello, I am researching Matthew Short. He was with company C 1st Battalion 22nd infantry, 4th Infantry Division. He was killed in action in France on July 9th, 1944 in the vicinity of Neuville. He was my grandmother’s brother and I used to visit his grave in Topmost, Kentucky. Sadly, last week, when I was there after 3 years, his tombstone has fallen into such a state, I couldn’t locate it. I would love to know more about him, if you have any information about that day. Thank you so much.
Hi Carol,
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. I’ve sent you an email with more information.
See the following page for more detail regarding the action taken during July 1944:
This is great information and I truly appreciate your effort. My father, John(Jack) L. Patterson, Pfc, served in Co F, 2nd Bat, 22nd Inf. I have the 22nd’s WWII “Year Book” which includes his picture along with other service men mentioned in some of your posted records, ie Lt. George Wilson. I have a group picture with him and Lt. Lee Lloyd who was Co F commander at the end of the war. My father died in 1968 at a very young age, so our family does not have much info on his service record. He did mention to some about a battle in a forest which I assume is the Hurtgen. Any specific records pertaining to him would be greatly appreciate or links to all your records so I can research myself. Thanks for any assistance!
Hi Jack,
I thank your father for his service to our country. In my opinion, the “battle in a forest” he talked about was more than likely the Battle of Hürtgen Forest. I became good friends with a soldier who served in Company A, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment. He was injured in the Hürtgen Forest.
I’ve sent you an email with more information, and I hope it is helpful.
Good Morning,
I’m researching the 22nd Infantry to find records/information on the service of Arthur A. Lemann. This is my wife’s grandfather. Wanted to be able to share with my kids some information about their Great-grandfather. My starting point is the following: Major A.A. Lemann, 4th Infantry, 22nd Infantry Regiment, Co C. Not sure when promoted to Major. I saw a Capt. Lemann in some of your journal notes. Not sure if the same.
This is new to me so still learning what the best resources are to find information. For starters, one thing I’m curious to know is what battalion he served with within the 22nd.
He was wounded in France when the jeep he was riding in ran over a mine. He survived, but the other two occupants of the jeep were killed. He rejoined his unit after spending time in a french hospital.
Hi Rick,
I’ve sent you an email, requesting more information.
I have been trying to do some research on my grandfather and came upon your website. He was a part of Co E, 22nd Infantry Rifle, 4th Div. His name was William Dennis Hunt. Any and all information you might have on him would be greatly appreciated. I know he received a Purple Heart and the why of it, but when he passed away, we found out he also had received 3 Bronze Stars. It’s a bit of a mystery to us as to why he got the starts. Unfortunately he was one who’s records burnt in Saint Louis in 1973. Again, any and all information you might know would be appreciated.
God Bless,
Hi Jen,
I thank your grandfather for his service to our country. I have sent you an e-mail requesting more information.
John — I’m interested in learning more about my uncle, PVT Philip W Barr, who was assigned to 4ID, 22IR, 3BN, L Company and was killed in action on 15 July 1944. I have a copy of his service record, which, fortunately survived the fire of 1973 (although the edges are singed).
Here’s some background: He went through basic training at Camp Croft, SC assigned to 35th ITB, C Company. According to his letters back home, he remained with this unit throughout his short stay with the Army. From Camp Croft he traveled from the NY Port of Embarkation, leaving on 5 April and arriving in Scotland on either 14 or 19 April (writing in his service record isn’t too clear). I’ve searched troop movements and find references to two ships that he may have been on., but I understand the manifests for the troop ships were destroyed in the early 50s. I’m assuming Scotland was simply a transfer point, as his letters back home indicate he was “somewhere in England.” I’m also assuming he was either in Torquay or Plymouth as that’s where the 4th ID units were. At least some of them.
He was assigned to the 41st Replacement Bn then per SO 76 to the 4ID, 12th Replacement Depot (APO 551) maybe on 31 May 1944 making him one of those much maligned Repple Depples. According to his service record, he landed in Normandy on 13 June 1944. Finding information pertaining to his unit’s movements is quite difficult. He was killed on 15 July 1944, one week after “celebrating” his 19th birthday, by a sniper in an apple orchard. I believe his unit was heading towards St. Lo, but can’t quite place where his unit may have been. Do you have any info you could share?
I have an appointment for 7-8 July at NARA, St. Louis. My specific request is for morning reports and special orders for any of the units I know he was associated with (those mentioned above). What else do you think I should be looking for? Would visiting NARA in DC and also the US Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, PA be worth my time?
Also, someone made reference to the year books. I did a Google search and was taken to page, but wasn’t able to place an order. Any idea what I really need to do? I’d love to get a copy of the year books.
I thank your uncle for his service to our country. I’ve sent you an email requesting more information.
I am researching my great uncle, David Patrick Kelley, Jr, #36884950, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry, KIA March 1, 1945. I recently visited his grave at Henri-Chappelle, and I am interested about learning more about his movements. I am having trouble finding what company he was in- with that information I can create a rough map of his route. On a different note, my grampa was in regimental headquarters for the 137th, of the 35th Division, and can’t really discern what his role was. There is plenty on information on the other companies, and I have all of the after action reports, maps, battles, etc, but I’m coming up short on what Regimental Headquarters actually did. Thanks!
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. I have sent you an e-mail with more information.
I am trying to find service records/information including where, how, etc. for my uncle, who was KIA July 11, 1944 in France.
His name was Frederick Voynovich.
He was with M Company, 3rd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, part of the 4th Infantry Division.
I have submitted a request to the National personnel Records in St. Louis, but not sure if they will have anything.
I thank your uncle for his service to our country. I’ve sent you an email requesting more information.
I’m French and living near St Pierre Eglise (near vO289263).
do you know if this is the 22nd infantry regiment that liberated St Pierre Eglise on June 24, 1944?
I am interested in the 3 documents you provide.
If you need additional information or recent photos of places around St Pierre Eglise, feel free to ask me.
do you have any old photographs?
best wishes
Hello Yann,
I have sent you an email with more information.
My wife’s grandfather, Louis Wilensky, was in the 4th Division, 22nd Infantry in WWII and just had his 97th birthday. He has never met anyone else from division and asked if I could find any. He lives near New York City. I’d be interested in finding any documents about him as well. I found several on, but if there are others, I’d love to see them.
I thank your wife’s grandfather for his service to our country. I’ve sent you an email with more information.
I am trying to locate some sort of roster of men for the 22nd regiment dating from just before the beginning of the Normandy campaign or a roster of purple heart recipients from the regiment. I am trying to put a name with a WWII Private’s uniform that I found years ago. the veteran’s uniform has the unit insignia’s of the 22nd regiment and an arrowhead and 1 campaign star on his European Service Medal. I believe that he would have been seriously wounded in the Normandy campaign and sent home due to the lack of additional campaign stars, the end of war WWII discharge patch and WWII victory medal. The uniform has a laundry stamp in it with his Last name Initial “H” followed by the last 4 of his army service number. I was hoping that with a roster or list of Purple Heart recipients that I could cross reference names with the army enlistment database to determine who proudly wore this uniform. Thank you for any help that you may be able to give
I have sent you an email requesting more information.
I’m looking for info. on my relative Pvt. Charles William Mullennax, 35295042, he died on Dec. 4,1944. He was with Co. E, 22d Inf. regiment, 4th infantry Division. I would appreciative any help you could give me. thank-you
keith styer
I thank Pvt. Mullennax for his service to our country. I’ve sent you an email with more information.
I want to thank you for the information you sent me. I learned a lot.
Hello, I am trying to find out information on my Grandfather; The battles he was engaged in and where he was when he was wounded. I will give you as much information as a can. His name is Gustave Blum, He was with the 4th Inf, 22 Inf Reg, 1st Battalion, D company, 1st platoon. He was a heavy machine gun operator. The time line I have: Dec. 10, 1944 departed Camp Blanding FL, Dec. 23 1944 arrived in Europe, March 2, 1945 Wounded in left hand, May 5, 1945 leaves to U.S., Also, on his Separation Papers: Battles and Campaigns: Rhineland GO 105 WD 45. After my Grandfather was discharged and returned home he did not talk about his time in service at all. He passed away from cancer in May 17, 1976. Any information you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Arty Blum
I thank your grandfather for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
I am researching First Lieutenant Donald W Dickinson B Co 22nd Infantry
Would you have any information at all on him please?
I have the 22nd infantry post war Regimental roster book but
can’t find him at all
Many thanks in advance
I have sent you an email with more information.
I have been researching a 4th ID Ike jacket for a TEC5 who served as a member of the 22nd Infantry. His awards are the EAME campaign ribbon with an arrowhead device and one campaign star, good conduct ribbon and american campaign ribbon. The lower cuff has two overseas service bars. The laundry mark is SW 9150. In my research I came across a possible listed as Samuel Wallace, 33949150, but the service time frame does not line up with him earning the good conduct medal which requires three years service. I collect military uniforms and additionally I am a member of the Reserves, which is why I enjoy researching such items. Any information in narrowing down his initials “SW” to a soldier within the 22nd Infantry would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Peter,
I’ve sent you an email with more information.
I am doing research for the family of 2nd. Lt. Harold Hollub,Oshkosh,Wi.
I think 2nd. Lt. Hollub was in co.? 3rd. Bn. 22 Inf. Reg. 4th. Inf. Div. He was in the second wave on Utah Beach,June 6,1944,along with the 8th. Reg. He was KIA “Somewhere” in France June 21,1944,and interred in France until the family had the remains shipped home. My history research has been filled with wrong information: His obit said he was in the 85th. Inf. Div.(which didn’t get to Germany until 1945)
I think the 3rd Bn. Was in the 2 nd. Wave to support the 8 th. Reg. Because of the decimated losses the
8th had because of “Exercise Tiger” of which we still know very little about. Were any other 3rd. Bn. Guys killed in “Exercise Tiger”. 2nd Lt. Hollub’s record also shows he arrived “in England on May 31,1944 and was in the second wave on D-Day on June 8? ,1944.He was KIA June 21,1944,somewhere in France”
I think he was KIA somewhere around Cherbourg.
Hi David,
I’ve sent you an email with more information.
Hi John
I am helping Herman Ritter (HQ Company, Second Battalion, 22nd Infantry, 4th Division) in an effort to locate any surviving members of his unit. Herman served as a translator and was awarded the Bronze Star for his actions going behind enemy lines to locate enemy mortar and machine gun nests. He also has a purple heart for shrapnel wounds he received in battle. His memory of events in the Hurtsgen Forest is impeccable after all this time. As I read these reports you posted, I wonder whether any of them include Herman’s actions on 12/02/1944 near Grosshau Germany. His citation was written by Frank C Castagno Lt. Colonel
I’ve sent you an email requesting more information.
I have just engaged researching my father.
22nd infantry, Sgt., E Co. WWII.
His name, Frank P. Radomicki, awarded three bronze stars, Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland.
Any further information would be greatly appreciated!
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I’m Sarah Henkel, an 8th grade social studies teacher from Mendota, and I’m hoping you are able to help my students in their project of researching First Lieutenant Glenn W. Breckenridge. He served with the 22nd Infantry Regiment but I cannot be more specific. He was KIA June 23, 1944 and is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery. Any additional information would be greatly appreciated. Ive requested his military file from the Archives but that is a 6 month wait sometimes.l
My students and I will eventually write a eulogy and create a website memorializing Glenn and the sacrifice he made for our country, and a few students will present their research at a Veteran’s Day program.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thanks and have a great day,
Sarah Henkel
8th grade social studies teacher
Northbrook Middle School,
Mendota, IL
I’ve sent you an email with more information. Thank you for all that you are doing to preserve history with our future generations.
Hi John,
I’m doing some research on my grandfather, John Mical, who served in B Company, 22nd Regiment until he was wounded on June 21. I’d be interested in what documents you might have available for me to review.
Hi Seth,
I thank your grandfather for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
Thank you so much for doing this. I’m looking forward to reading this. I’ve only briefly browsed through different pages of your site and I’m completely overwhelmed with your wealth of knowledge and hard work. I was referred here by a friend on a Facebook page. My grandfather Generoso Senerchia was a medic with the 22nd. Sadly I never spoke with him about this (even tho ive akways been obsessed with ww2 history) and neither did my mother, but luckily he saved everything. I’ve got copies of the 4th Infantry books, the Ivy Leaf, stacks of pictures, and letters from him to my grandmother. I’ve recently acquired his dd-214 but I was under the impression that I could not find any more info about his service. Hoping to fill some gaps with your site, or maybe you can help me out. Or maybe point me in the right direction.
I thank your grandfather for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
Hoping you can help me. I’m researching my grandpa who I believe served with th 22nd. His name was Louis Alton Rogers. I believe he was a replacement but am having trouble finding records. He arrived in ETO march 1945
I thank your grandfather for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
I just came across your site. I am in search of any information regarding Harold Slenk. He was S.Sgt. 22nd Infantry, 4th Division. He was KIA on November 29, 1944 in Germany. My family has contacted the National Archives and were very saddened to know some documents were destroyed in the St. Louis fire. The documentation we did receive show he died in Berlin. However, some other information we received through friends of the family state that he was wounded in action and the field hospital where he was came under enemy fire (we do not have any documentation supporting this). Any information regarding Harold Slenk would be VERY appreciated. Thank you in advance for any information you may be able to provide.
I thank Harold for his service and sacrifice for our country. I’ve sent you an email with more information.
Dear Sir
I am conducting research on three brothers (two in-laws) who served as Infantrymen in Europe. Two of the three were KIA. If you could assist me in any information for:
PVT Samuel J Marccone 22nd IN, 4th ID, 33 702 197
KIA: 28 NOV 44 (WIA: 08 AUG 44, Purple Heart)
Looking for:
Date he joined 22nd IN (Was he a replacement?)
Agrigated unit. (Co/BN) ?
Where he was on 08 AUG44?
Unit Daily Reports, Monthly General Orders
Thank you!
V Bellisario
LTC, US Army Ret
LTC Bellisario,
I’ve sent you an email with more information.
My uncle Capt. Oscar Joyner served in HQ Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Regiment, 4th Infantry. He, was KIA the evening of June 21, 1944 in Normandy, and is buried in the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach. I’m taking my family to Normandy this summer and would greatly appreciate any help on these items:
1. Any regimental records of him and his service with the 22nd.
2. Any regimental reports or records that would indicate where he was killed or at least the general vicinity of where his unit was at the time of his death and what they were up to. Again the Report of Death in the IDPF in the box for “place of death” simply says “European Area” — not very helpful! the 21st was a busy day for the 22nd in their push to Cherbourg,.
3. Any referrals of a private tour guide in Normandy who is especially informed on the 22nd Regiment and Utah Beach and motivated to create a personalized family tour of a deceased’s unit’s movements and action.
Many thanks in advance!
Matt Joyner
I thank your uncle for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
My father, Private Donald I. Thoman, 2nd Battalion, F Company, was killed on Christmas Day, 1944. I am looking for more detailed information on where, how, in what circumstances he was killed. Reading some of the information here, it indicates that Company F was relieved on December 24 (strength 50 men), and I can’t seem to find out what happened the next day. If Company F was relieved on December 24, where did they go, and how was my father killed? Any help or direction to further information would be much appreciated. Finally, how do I join this group for further interaction?
I thank your father for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
Good day Sir. I had a great uncle that was in the 22nd inf Regiment/4th Inf Division. He was Pvt Clarence Eggleston. He was killed in action on 23Jun1944 somewhere in France. I can not find very much on him, only where he is buried. If I am able to get anything, how he died,what platoon,or anything else. Thank You for any help you can provide.
Paul Deveney
I thank your great uncle for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
I am researching the 22nd’s history during WWII because my uncle, Oscar Humphrys, served in H Company as a cook. My family knows little about his service because he did not talk much about it, but we know it deeply affected him.
I know he went to England, then Normandy, through France, Belgium, and Germany, and earned a Bronze Star (which I have).
I have various memorabilia from his time at Fort Benning, Camp Gordon and in Europe and am in the process of scanning and photographing. I’d be happy to share if you would be interested in any. I would be interested if you have any information about H Company specifically or the regiment’s history as a whole in Europe. Thank you.
Robert Boyd
I thank your uncle for his service. I have sent you an email with more information.
Hello, John. Could you please send me you email address? I have some questions about 22nd’s history and staff sergeant A. Haapala who was killed in action in Normandy.
I thank Arnold for his service and sacrifice for our country. I’ve sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Thank you for your amazing website. I recently began researching my granddad’s WW2 service, and when I stumbled on your site, I felt like I’d unearthed a gold mine.
I was wondering if you might be able to shed more light on the experience of my granddad, Sgt. Douglas F. Humphreys. He served in Company E, and I believe he was with the 22nd from their landing in France until he was wounded in the Hurtgen Forest. Any information you might have would be invaluable to our family, as he died quite young, and details of his service were never properly recorded.
I thank Douglas for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
My student and I are doing research for an NHD project. We would be interested in any documents you could give us on the 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. We are researching an Arkansas soldier who died on June 23, 1944 after being a part of the D-Day invasion at Utah Beach.
Thank you for any documents or information you could send us.
I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
My dad pvt. 34899964 Jetter T Blalock. Received 4 bronze stars and a purple heart. He was a technician in the 22nd. Do you have any information? I am so excited to find this site. I could cry. I wrote for his records after his death and was told that were destroyed in a fire.
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email requesting more information.
Take care,
I was curious to know if there are any reports (after action/morning/rosters) pertaining to or mentioning T/Sgt. Floyd Edwards. Edwards was in “I” Company and was Killed in Action on 27 JUL 44, not sure where…. I was also curious to know if he landed on D-Day with the Unit.
I have his IDPF, it list his cause of death as “Shrapnel” and shows initial burial at St. Mere Eglise Cemetery. I am the caretaker of his Purple Heart medal, it was given to me by his niece.
Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!
I thank T/Sgt. Edwards for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I am trying to establish where a family member was killed. He was T SGT Fred D Coleman from Tennessee and he is buried at Henri-Chapelle, Belgium. I know he died on October 7, 1944. From looking at your map and putting this information together with other journals it appears he was probably along the line with Germany and Belgium. Place names given in other soldier’s journals mentioned crossing the Siegfried Line at Brandsheid Germany in September and then moving into the area around Bullingen Belgium in October. Do you have any records that give his actual place of death or any information of his death?
Thank you very much for all your work!
I thank T/Sgt. Coleman for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Dear Sir
Im Researching the 212 Volksgrenadier-Division and was searching for more information on its fighting with the US Forces during the Ardennes Offensive. I came across your great website (I already just read the Interviews with a few men you’ve posted related to Scheidgen, Osweiler..) I was interested to trade or request records you’ve related to the fighting with the 212 VGD ? Thanks and keep up the good work.
I’ve sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Can you help? I am trying to get some detailed info on my father while he was with the 2/22. He was with them prior to 12/7/41 and recalled in 1942. His name was Stephen Griffin. He was wounded in Normandy, and later a million dollar wound in the Hurtgen. The records were destroyed in the At Louis fire. He suffered greatly from PTSD. He died in 1976. Please let me know if you have any Adel info
Thank you
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Hi John,
Since 2002, I’m doing research on the Battle of the Huertgen Forest, in which the 22nd took active part.
I would be very happy, if you could send me documentation (journals, interviews, AAR) for the period 16 Nov – 30 Nov 1944. I would like to make webpages out of these documents and post them on my website, so that they can be read by the Internet community. Thanks so much.
I’ve sent an email with more information.
Take care,
Hello, I am so glad I stumbled across your site. I am doing some research on the action of the 22 IR in and around Brandescheid in Feb 1945. Would you be able to send to me the AAR for February, and any PW reports for that period that you may have. Thank you so much-Steve
I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I am looking for information on the 22nd infantry regiment in September 1944. They came in my village Gouvy (Belgium) but also in Courtil where a picture was taken. All information and photos are welcome
Thank you in advance.
I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
John, “Thank you” for establishing this website. A brief conversation with my father, Don C Greenlee, at the kitchen table in 2003 yielded the following information: 4th Infantry, C Company. Ankle wound from a ricochet bullet off a railroad track, Regimental Motor Pool (Sargent) Jeeps and trucks….got as far as Aachen, Mentioned he was in “clean up” , guarding prisoners and keeping eye out for “special persons”. Also, went through basic with an Elmer Haskins from E. St. Louis. (Sorry, chronology seems to be backward) Dad passed in 2008 and I have his ‘shield’ pin. Thank you for any information. He was ‘away’ when I was born in 1944.
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I was wondering if you could find any information on Pfc Felix Nowicki. He was killed June 8th, 1944 in France. All I know is he is currently buried in Normandy. Any information would be greatly valued.
Thank you!
I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Dear Mr. John,
My Grandmother’s brother died in the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest on Dec 2, 1944. My entire life, when I was with my grandmother she spoke of her brother “Buddy” as she called him. Today I have his Honor Roll plague with has the pledge and his enlistment picture. I have the picture of his casket being off loaded on the train and it at the funeral home.
This is what I know about him: Lawrence Joseph Fabre, Company A 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, KIA 12/03/1944. Lawrence J. Fabre was born on January 26, 1924 in Berwick, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. His home of residence was listed as Morgan City, Louisiana. His religion was listed as Catholic.
Private Fabre was killed in action in Germany during the battle of the Hürtgen Forest
on December 3, 1944.Lawrence J. Fabre was buried in the temporary U.S. Military Cemetery,
Henri-Chapelle Cemetery, Eupen, Belgium and some time later his remains were returned to the United States where he was reinterred in Louisiana.
Would you have any idea or information what happened on 12/3/1944. From books I read there was a special mission that 10 died performing. One of my great uncles said that he volunteered for a special mission. My dad and some of his first cousins have been discussing this and I have written to the federal government and they say that the records are lost. I would like to give my dad and one of my great aunts who is still alive closure on her little brother and my dad’s cousin’s uncles. They were proud when I narrowed it down to the Hurtgen forest.
If you want, I can scan and email pictures for your data of what I have. This way he lives on.
I thank Pvt. Fabre for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
My Great Uncle, Specialist 5 Brigance was assigned to the 22nd Infantry, 4th Infantry Division as a Vehicle Operator possibly an Ambulance Driver. He was Killed In Action (KIA) on Sunday 30 July 1944.
I have received incomplete and burnt documents from St Louis. One statement by Major Kirtley, Medical Detachment Commander, 22nd Inf dated 20 Oct 1944 documents;
“On the night of 30 July 1944 in the vicinity of La Dennisiere France (illegible) Tec 5 Brigance was in a (illegible) with Tec 3 Young and Tec 5 Sweeney of this detachment (illegible) this time enemy air activity was very great and we suffered a severe bombing (illegible). The foxhole occupied by Tec 5 Brigance and the other two men suffered (illegible) hit………”
A second statement by Tec 4 Kennedy Med Det, 22nd Inf dated 10 March 1945 documents with similar information “On the night of 30 July 1944 the aid station was dug in (illegible) row in the vicinity of St Lo, France, when German planes bombed (illegible) of the bombs made a direct hit on the foxhole in which were T/5 (illegible) and two medical soldiers…….I saw T/5 Brigance in his foxhole a few minutes before the bombing . T/5 Brigance was killed in this action.”
Being an amateur military historian and prior Soldier/Airmen myself, I was not aware of much tactical German Luftwaffe air activity at this time of the war. Skimming CMH documents to include Breakout and Pursuit by Martin Blumenson, there is no mention of any German air attacks during this time. However, Mr Blumenson documents “short bombing” (ie friendly fire) by allied air forces during Cobra on 24 July that killed 25 and wounded 131 Soldiers of the 30th Division. Do you have any clarifying or additional information on this action of the 22nd Inf (and subordinate units) in and around 30 July 1944.
Any help would be appreciated and TAHNKS YOU for your hard work on this site!
Many Thanks,
Lt Col Payne,
I thank your great uncle for his service. Thank you for your comments. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Martin, I have some info/documents on this matter that you may not have and would find interesting. If you are interested, send me your email address or email me at [email protected].
Dear sir my grandfathers grave has 22 Inf. Co.G on it having no luck locating any info, he was KIA in 1944 is all i know of his death, and that his remains ehere returned on December 8, 1947. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks David, and god bless all our vets from all our wars!!!
I thank your grandfather for his service to our country. I have sent you an email requesting more information.
Take care,
I am looking for information on my grandfather’s brother who was wounded November 30th 1944 and died Dec. 1st 1944. Chester Napier Jr. Appears he was 22nd Infantry Division 4 according to his headstone. I have not been able to find very much information. He was 25 yrs old when he died.
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Good morning, my dad served with the 4th infantry during WW2 with company H 22 infantry. I do not know much beyond that due he passed away when I was eight years old. His name is Lawton Powell and I am told that the Army added Jr to his name as he did not have a middle name. I believe he was wounded twice while serving. Any information you might have and could share with me would be greatly appreciated.
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
My father served in the army, Company L. 22nd infantry 4th division. His name is Elmer Warhurst and he never talked much of the war but I would like to learn more of what he went through. It would be great if I could also find some men that he served with also. Any information would be awesome.
Thank you
Tammy Warhurst
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email requesting more information.
Take care,
Dear John,
Recently I’ve been doing research on the breaching of the Siegfried Line in september 1944 and for the second time in februari 1945. Any AAR or PW’s about the 22nd inf reg in this time period could be very helpfull. I would be very delighted if you could help me.
Thank you.
I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I am looking for information for our town’s memorial project for our war dead. I’m specifically looking for information regarding Pvt Frank M Barber 3rd Bn 22nd Inf KIA July 12, 1044, can you provie me with any information or copies of documents ?
I thank Pvt. Barber for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
John, Thanks for the great work you are doing!!
My Uncle Stanley J. Porambo was in B company 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry. He was brought up from France to the lines in October off 1944. He was killed near Prum Germany Feb 13 1945.
Oct 1944 to March 1945.
If you can email me any of this info I really appreciate it.
1. After Action Reports
2. Daily Journals
3. Journal Files
I thank your uncle for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I have need to enlist your help regarding my late father-in-law, SSG Robert W. Williams, Co E, 2/22 IR. I wish to track his path across Europe until war’s end. I have quite a bit of info already but look to fill in the blank spots. What may I send you info-wise? I know he was wounded twice but not sure when & where he rejoined his company. He rec’d the Bronze Star but the reason(s) why are blanked out on his award certificate. All help shall be appreciated.
I thank your father-in-law for his service to our country. I have sent you an email requesting more information.
Take care,
Good afternoon John,
Thank you for all your efforts!
I am looking for information on 2nd Lieutenant Edgar T. HARRIS Jr. / ASN 01320527. Based on my research, Lt. Harris Jr. landed on Utah Beach and was killed in action on June 10th, 1944. I believe he was part of the 2nd or 3rd Battalion, 22nd IR. He was most likely KIA around Azeville, Manche as the 22nd IR was progressing North from Utah Beach, towards Montebourg. Would you be able find out what company he was a part of, and any additional information regarding the circumstances of his death?
Thank you for your help.
I thank 2LT Harris for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Thanks! Like many others, my father’s records were also lost in the St Louis fire. I’m waiting for the Army me to send me copies of his medals (may be up to 12 months?) I’m trying to find out where he served? He joined on 8 Jun 44; was assigned to Camp Blanding (infantry). I know that he was there in July; but don’t know when he left; when he arrived in Europe? I know that he was wounded by artillery fire on 16 Apr 45, in the vicinity of Crailsheim, Germany. The first thing that I need to confirm is that he was assigned to the 22nd IR? Maybe logs/rosters on activity between 12-18 Apr 45? Can you assist me with this? His name was Marvin E. Higgins.
Thanks again!
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Hello again! We chatted about two years ago. I’ve resumed my research on my fathers service. Could you send me a link to the reports that you have on the 22nd? I’d like read through them. Interested in the timeframe 1 Nov 44 until the end. Thanks!
Dear John,
the 22nd Infantry Regiment was in combat in the vicinity between Bad Mergentheim, Crailsheim and Rothenburg in April 1945. I am looking for any kind of information about this days of April 1st – April 30th 1945. I live in this area and try to research everything about these final days of WWII.
Can you assit me with informations?
Thank you.
Best regards,
I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
I have a story that my father wrote about The SEIGFRIED LINE. How can I share it? It is on my computer and on The Microsoft cloud.
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email requesting more information.
Take care,
plz help. My father was in Belgium in 1944. We are attempting to clarify some of the details we have. I am traveling to Bastogne for the 75th Anniversary. Mitch 619-944-7011
First, thank you for the work you’ve done here. It’s very informative.
I’m looking for information on my great uncle who was killed around Saint Lo between July 29 1944-Aug 4th. He was a medic with the 22nd. Jessie Grady Brigance Service # 38176681. His memory marker indicates he was awarded a bronze star, though I’ve never seen a description for what. Thank you for any information you have.
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Hi John,
Thank you very much for compiling this information. I am working on some research on my great uncle PFC Joseph A Salvo who served in the 22nd Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division. His service number is 31072425. He was KIA on June 14th, 1944, presumably following the invasion of Utah Beach. Unfortunately, the National Records Center was not able to find much. I would be immensely grateful for any information or resources you might be able to provide. All the best,
Julia Palmerino
I thank PFC Salvo for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Desire info regarding my father Captain Oscar Bradford Willingham who served in the 22nd Regiment on the 4th Inf Div. He participated in the Utah Beach D-Day landing. At present his letters to my mother are under review with intent to compile his story. My intent is to write a compilation of the simultaneous military and home front activities. Your assistance will be much appreciated.
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent an email with more information.
Take care,
Hopefully this is still an active site. I am the son of John M. Kolder he was the Supply Sargent for C. Company 22nd Infantry. From June 1941 till December 1944. I was hoping for any information you my share with me.
Thank you
Jay M. Kolder
I thank your father for his service to our country. I have sent you an email requesting more information.
Take care,
I am doing some research on our uncle Frank M Espino, who served in the 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. According to what I have been able to find so far he was KIA near Bruhlborn, Germany, on March 2, 1945. He reportedly was awarded the Bronze Star and Silver Star, plus 2 Purple Hearts, but I cannot find any record of the citation(s) to validate this. Being a military veteran myself I want to make sure the record is accurate before sharing any information that has not been verified via historical records
I thank your uncle for his service to our country. I have sent an email with more information.
Take care,
Just a quick note to see if you could point me in the best direction for details regarding the 22nd Infantry Regiment’s actions at Prum. Honestly, anything regarding the 4th Infantry Division at Prum would be useful. I’m surprised how difficult it has been to find a detailed account of this battle. It seems like you have quite a collection of records. I have several as well that you might enjoy. I came across some holdings at Fort Leavenworth’s military library and made copies.
For your awareness, I’m researching the 35th Engineer (Combat) Battalion. My grandfather served in this unit. The 35th supported the 4th ID at Prum.
Thanks in advance,
Shawn Umbrell
I have sent an email with more information.
Take care,
Hello John and all. Thanks for all this great info and work! I am looking for any information on PFC Robert Druce Bolton, born 16 Jul 1925 in Sulphur Springs, TX, who served in K Co., 3rd Bn, 22nd IR, 4th ID, KIA 12 February 1945 in Pruem. Especially any after action reports, or unit reports that mention him specifically, etc. He shipped over in Nov. ’44 as a 4thID replacement. I suspect (but not certain) that he was assigned after the Hurtgen Forest and likely when the 22nd was in Luxembourg. Not sure of his exact arrival or assignment dates. Any info would be appreciated. I’m aware of the info on findagrave, which is great. Thanks in advance. Joe
I am Ellen Thorisaen, assistant producer at the Belgian film production company CZAR FILM & TV.
I am contacting you since I am doing research for this series. I’m currently doing research on the battle of Huertgenwald and this forum caught my attention. I am looking for more personal documents concerning the battle of Hurtgenwald: diaries/letters/reports written by soldiers during this battle. I was wondering if you have any letters or some kind of personal war correspondence concerning this battle. If so, would you be willing to share them with us? If you don’t happen to have any of these sorts of documents, is there a chance that you know someone who does?
Thank you in advance.
Ellen Thorisaen
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Take care,
Good afternoon John,
My grandfather, Chris Neal, served as a Platoon Sargent in Company B 22nd IR from June 29th 1944 to July 11th 1945. He received two wounds (July 30,1944 and August 23,1944. Would love to see any records you have that might pertain to his service.
I thank your grandfather for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Hello, my name is Hilly Niels. I am very interested in the 22th Infantry 4th Division. One and a half year ago, I adopted the grave from Pvt. George Vernon Neill. His grave is located at the American Warcemetary in Henri Chapelle. He joined the army on the 27th of June 1944 in Fort Dix, New Jersey. He lost his life near Sellerich, Germany. I would love to learn all about him. I don’t know if you can help me, but it would mean a lot to me. Thank you, Hilly.
I thank Pvt. Neill for his service to our country. I have sent an email with more information.
Take care,
Hello John,
My great uncle, Pfc Leo F Schafer (37172765) invaded Utah beach attached the 4th Infantry. He was actually part of the 90th Infantry, 359th Regiment, Company B and from what I can tell was on loan to the 4th from June 4 – June 9th 1944. The 359th was then given back to the 90th as of June 10th. My uncle was KIA June 9th and I was wondering if you have any records that mention him, his orders, or cause of death. Any info would be much appreciated!
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
interested in (all) d-day records 6 june 1944 – hoping to find information on Allan J Mann – KIA 6 June 1944
I thank SSG Mann for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Looking for all information on my father, Elmer E Warhurst
Thank you
first of all thanks for your blog and the impressive amount of data you made available to hobby researchers. I would be interested in AARs of the 22nd Infantry Regiment since I am researching the 4th Infantry Division during WW2.
Best Regards
Hello, are you still helping people to find records? My Great Uncle was killed in the Hurtgen Forest on Nov. 30, 1944. That’s what his records say. Would you be able to help me?
I thank your great uncle for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Hi John, thank you for the website 🙂
Dear John,
Could you maybe help me out with getting information on Coy L. CLAYTOR, Private or PFC? WW2 22nd Infantry 4th division K Company? KIA June 8, 1944 Azeville
On Ancestry, Application for headstone or maker was modified, I can find nothing about him in the 329th Inf records and this regiment was only in Normandy at the end of June 1944.
thank you so much :
I thank PVT Claytor for his service to our country. I have sent you an email with more information.
Take care,
Dear John,
Could you maybe help me out with getting information on James E. THOMAS
Private G Co – 22nd Infantry – 4th division.
Would love to see any records you have that might pertain to his service.
Thank you
I thank PVT Thomas for his service to our country. I have sent an email requesting more information.
Take care,
I’ve been trying to gather information on my Uncle Stanley J. Porambo
Company B Ist Battalion 22nd Infantry
4th Infantry Division
KIA 02/13/1945
He was a Machine gunner. I believe he served alongside Joseph Plegge who died the same day.
Joseph Plegge Jr.
Company B 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
4th Infantry Division
KIA 02/13/1945
Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
I thank your uncle for his service to our country. I have sent an email with more information.
Take care,